Saturday, February 4, 2017

Lose to the Charms of Old Indian Coins

The general tendency for human beings is to like the new. What’s new and trending is what is loved by everybody; probably that’s how the human brain is wired. When we are born, everything we see around us is new to us, each new question makes us more curious and an answer makes us content fully. But the Old has its own charm as well. Very few might connect with this statement at the moment maybe. There are some things that become more beautiful as they keep getting older. It could be anything for that matter. Your old t shirt or an old lane which you used to walk on in your childhood days! Same is the case with Old Indian Coins. There are many collectors who are absolutely crazy about old Indian coins. The historical stories behind each of these Indian old coins make them even more precious.  

Each emperor had their style and way of minting coins during their regime. Ever wondered how coins were made long before coin minting machines were even invented? These coins were manually die-struck with a particular inscription or imagery. The earliest old Indian coins were called punch-marked coins. They were unlike any other coins that we see today as they were rectangular in shape and struck on just one side. The denomination used in those days was shatmanas. It had a common design on them. They were made of silver and many collectors love having these old Indian coins in their collection. There are many other old Indian coins that have been issued by various other emperors after that. Each one of them is distinct in their own way. Through the study of coinage one gets to realize how vast Indian history is.    

So as we keep embracing the new, don’t forget to stay connected with your roots and our wonderful history. One way to achieve this is by collecting old Indian coins.

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