Saturday, April 1, 2017

Introduce Your Kids to the hobby of Collecting Stamps of India

Kids today are growing up faster than they should actually. That’s because they are all exposed to a lot of technology and information at a very young age. When they should be out there in the playgrounds, they are busy playing video games or surfing the internet. There is so much out there on the internet, playing old games like hide and seek have become things of the past. Modes of entertainment have also changed a lot over the years. So has changed the ways of learning and education. When I was young, I loved collecting stamps of India. I liked everything from exchanging Indian stamps with my friends to separating stamps from envelopes and keeping them safely in albums. The hobby kept me excited always. 

I believe that due to my passion for stamps in India, I have gained a lot of knowledge subconsciously. After looking at all those new Indian stamps I had in my collection, I started reading about everything that was depicted on them. Slowly and steadily I started upgrading myself with so many different aspects of our country, right from monuments, history to science, art, geography, wildlife etc. I think that there can’t be a better way of learning about these aspects. School has always been boring for some odd reason. Theoretical knowledge will not stay with you for a long time. It is only good for scoring marks in examinations. Collecting Rare Indian stamps was a fascinating new way to learn new concepts. Besides that, since these stamps of India are a part of your collection, you will most probably than not, remember everything about them. I don’t want to boast about myself, but it is true that my general knowledge was far better than all my other friends who were not into this amazing hobby. I strongly believe that every kid today should be introduced to the world of Indian stamps.

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