Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Two Rare Stamps of India Every Collector Dreams of Owning

Rare stamps of India have always captured the attention of collectors and philatelists all across the globe because of their extremely high market-value and demand. Let's take a look at two of the most iconic stamps of India that are world-famous because of their rarity and historical significance.

10 Rupees Gandhi Stamp 1948:

When it comes to Indian stamps, the 10 Rupees Postage stamp featuring Gandhiji, issued in 1948 is world-famous in the field of philately. They were issued to celebrate the first anniversary of our country's Independence. With this release, Mahatma Gandhi became the first Indian personality to be honoured on a postage stamp of India. As few as 100 such pieces were overprinted with the word "Service" and offered exclusively to the then Governor General of India, C. Rajagopalachari. This version of the famed Gandhi Stamp is considered as one of the rarest stamps of India.

The initial idea was to print stamps with a picture of Mahatma Gandhi along with the text "Bapu" in Hindi in January 1948. The India Security Press in Nashik was asked to manufacture a set of four such stamps. However, Gandhi was killed before the stamps were issued. The plan was changed and the Government thought of releasing them as a tribute to the father of our nation. However, this time, they wanted to use a photogravure press to print the issues. The Swiss printers, Helio Courvoisier, Sa. LaChaux De Fonds were asked to print them as the India Security Press did not have the required technology for photogravure printing. Also, the text "Bapu" was depicted in Hindi as well as in Urdu to denote communal harmony. Four sets in denominations 1.5 annas, 3.5 annas, 12 annas and 10 rupees were produced and released on 15th August 1948. 

The 10 Rs postage stamp of India had a reddish background and Mahatma Gandhi's image was in grey in colour. 250,000 such stamps were printed in sheets of 50, containing 5 rows of 10 stamps each. These rare stamps of India had a perforation of 11.5 mm. The mintage limit of service stamps are considered to be the least in the world. Some of them were handed out to important personalities. A sheet of 50 is showcased at the National Archives, Postal Museums, etc. According to experts, only eight such rare Indian stamps are owned by individual collectors.

On 5th October 2007, one set was sold for 38,000 Euros in the David Feldman auction sale. Another example of these Indian rare stamps was sold by the same company for 1,44,000 Euros in 2001. By this time, 18 such stamps were known to collectors. A block of four overprinted 10 Rs Service stamps was sold in Australia for 500,000 in April 2017.

Inverted head 4 Annas 1854:

Here's another Indian stamp that every philatelist dreams of owning. The 4 Annas stamps were issued in red and blue colour in 1854 and are considered to be one of the earliest multicoloured stamps. The error stamp was accidentally manufactured during the production process and features an inverted portrait of Queen Victoria.

The lithography process was used to print the rare Indian postage stamps at Survey Office in Calcutta. The red frames were printed first and the sheets were left to dry for a day. The blue-coloured portrait was printed inside the frame over this sheet on the following day. 206,040 such stamps in India were manufactured using Head Die I and Frame Die I on 13th October 1854. Each sheet contained just 12 stamps. Six sheets were placed inside the press backwards, leading to this invert error.

Only 28 examples of these old Indian stamps exist today and all of them were used. Two or three examples are cut in square while the rest are cut in an octagonal shape. The error was discovered much later in the year 1874. Three octagonal stamps are a part of the Tapling Collection and are showcased at the British Library, London. The Royal Collection and The Government of India Collection have one example each of the octagonal version. Two square shaped versions were in the collection of Desai.

If you ever get a chance to catch a glimpse of these amazing rarities of Indian philately, don't miss it!

Discover the designs and history behind two rare stamps of India that every philatelist dreams of owning. Find out how the famed 10 Rupees Gandhi Service Stamp and Inverted Head 4 Anna stamps were issued. Know about their market value and provenance.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Why Professional Coin Collector Should Invest In Quality Coin Collecting Supplies

The difference between an amateur and a professional is nothing but the way in which one conducts oneself. An amateur will not take his tasks at hand seriously and will do things without following the set rules. Same is the case with the hobby of coin collecting. There are several coin collectors across the world; some of them are serious about pursuing their hobby, while there are others who are doing it to pass their time. Many of them are not even aware about the benefits of collecting coins. There have been several instances where an ancient coin has been sold for millions of dollars. Apart from that, the hobby is not just about collecting coins or making a lot of money. It is also about enriching your knowledge about history and traditions. If you want to take this hobby more seriously then you should have good quality coin collecting supplies with you as well. This will keep coins safe from all kinds of moisture or dust. Let us find out why it is so important to buy branded coin collecting accessories.

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Coin grading is a process that is undertaken by recognised agencies. These agencies grade coins based on various international standards. Coins which are highly graded naturally have a better market value than the ones which are averagely graded. Whenever you add a new coin to your collection, always make sure that you are maintaining the quality of coins by storing them safely in coin collecting supplies like coin albums, coin pages, coin capsules, coin holders, coin storage boxes etc. Today, you don’t need to even make an effort to visit markets to buy coin collecting supplies. You can instead directly buy good quality coin collecting accessories online with just a few clicks. There is no way you can put the blame on your busy schedule. It has become so easy that you can order the best coin collecting accessories online using your mobile phones even when you are on the move!

The reason why you should invest in branded accessories is that they are much more durable than the local ones that you find in the market. These coin collecting supplies will make sure that the quality of your coins remains intact even after several years.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Collect Coins of The World to Live Beyond Four Walls

We generally live a life which is generally constricted within the four walls of our job and responsibilities towards our family. Rarely do we take effort in exploring the world around us. Our lives are very short and I think that we must take some time out in understanding the variety of cultures that are existent around us in the world. Travelling to each of these destinations can be very impractical. Nobody has the time or the money to do something like that. But that doesn't mean that we should be negligent about what is happening around us.

Today, when the internet can provide so much information, nothing can really stop us from enhancing our knowledge about the world we live in. Maybe, some of these stories might inspire us to do something new and give us a bigger or better perspective about problems that we are facing. Another way of doing this is by collecting coins of the world. In fact the hobby of World Coins collection is very popular across several countries. These rare coins give us a deep insight into the history of that particular issuing entity, nation or empire.

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Ancient coins of the world were issued thousands of years ago. Numismatists have been studying them to trace back to those historical times. Imagine the number of empires that were existent in the world, back in those days. This very day is related to events from our past. That's the reason why youngsters need to realise the importance of learning our history. If we forget about our roots and where we have evolved from, we will definitely have an unpredictable future. Many of these ancient world coins have also been sold by auction houses for impressive amounts every now and then. But for a passionate collector, money should not be on the mind. It should purely be the love for the hobby of collecting coins from around the world to increase your knowledge.

Another important aspect about this hobby is research. Whenever you get some time, it is important to read up about the various rare world coins. Referring to authentic website is crucial for any kind of research. Right knowledge is anytime better than half-baked knowledge. There are thousands of websites on the internet which shares information about different types of coins of the world. It is very difficult to trust one particular source of information. Mintage World is one of the very few trusted online platforms where data about coins of the world is presented in a systematic and well-categorised format. All you have to do as a researcher is use the appropriate filters based on time period, ruler name, dynasty, denomination, type of coin, shape of coin etc.

Apart from ancient world coins, Mints from across the globe are reinventing and reimagining coinage in a whole new way. From platinum coins to coins that radiate light in the dark, there are several fascinating collector based world coins that can be purchased online. When it comes to innovation in world coins, Royal Canadian Mint and Australian Mint come in the forefront. Many of these beautiful and unique coins of the world are released as legal tender for small nations like Tuvalu, Niue etc. If you are finding it difficult to build a collection of ancient world coins, you can look out for these fascinating releases online as well.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Remember These Points When You Buy Stamps of India Online

Gone are the days when you had to take a lot of effort in building a stamp collection. You had to either wait for letters or had to wait for other stamp collectors to get your stamps exchanged. Things have become much simpler these days when you can buy Indian Stamps Collection Online. All you have to do is place your order and your new set of stamp will arrive at your door steps. However, there are certain aspects that you must always keep in mind when you order stamp online. Let's take a look at them today.


There are many websites where you can buy stamps of India online. However, you cannot be sure if these stamp are authentic. More and more collectors post pictures of their collections online looking for buyers. Excited collectors tend to buy stamp online even before checking whether these stamp are authentic. That's the reason why it is very important to do your research before you buy stamps online. As and when you get time, you should keep upgrading your knowledge about stamp. That's how you would be able to identify stamp more easily. Many of these platforms also don't have a return order option, which is why, you have to be absolutely sure before you buy stamps of India online.


There are certain commemorative stamps which are very rare because only a limited number of them were released. These stamps are sought after by collectors all over the world. To know if a particular stamp is rare or not, you must first read the history behind that stamp. A stamp could be rare because of other reasons as well. There are some situations where error stamp are printed and circulated unknowingly. Once the postal department gets to know about these errors, the immediately stop the production and circulation. In such cases, the postage stamps which are out in the market could be very few in numbers. Then there are rare postage stamps that are issued for special purposes and not for general use. When you buy rare stamps online, you might have to pay more.

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The major disadvantage of buying stamps online is that you have to trust the condition of the stamp simply by looking at images. Certain sellers might upload incorrect images and you might be tricked while placing your order. The value of a postage stamp is greatly dependent on its condition. That's the reason why it is much better to take a look at the stamp physically before you take a final call. Otherwise, you can opt for a trusted website if you want to Buy Indian Stamps Collection Online.


Pricing is another aspect that you must consider when you buy Indian stamps online. Pricing depends on various factors such as rarity and condition. It is best to refer professional catalogues to get an idea of a particular stamp's market value. See if the website that offers stamps online is listing its items in accordance with the market value. There could be slight variations in pricing. However, it is better if you don't buy stamps of India online at a pricing which is much higher than its actual market value.


Collecting Indian stamps is a fun experience as there are so many themes to follow. First of all, check your collection and identify what is missing. Then search for these missing stamps online and place your order. This way, you will be able to create a unique and interesting collection. Keep updating your index as and when you keep adding new stamps to your collection so that you are more aware of what you need to look for.

So, the next time you buy stamps of India online, you must take into account these points so that you are not fooled by the seller.

Learn about certain facts that need to be considered when you buy stamps of India online. Follow these handy tips to ensure that the stamps you order online are authentic and genuinely priced.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

The Role of Coin Collecting Supplies in the Field of Numismatics


History has so many mysteries to reveal. The more you dig deeper, the more you would be fascinated. There are different ways in which you can approach this wonderful subject. Most people would like to read research material and books written by well-known historians. But did you know there's another exciting way to learn about our past? This unique path is known as numismatics and those who walk on it are called numismatists. They research about antique pieces of history in depth to discover several unknown facts about the cultures, traditions, economies, kingdoms and rulers from our past. They treasure these artefacts using high quality coin collecting supplies so that our future generations can upgrade their knowledge and learn about their roots.

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What makes accessories so important?

If you don't use coin collecting accessories for storage purposes, then you will definitely have to pay a heavy price. Many copper and silver pieces lose their lustre when they are kept out in the open due to a process called oxidisation. The market value is directly proportional to the item's rarity and condition. If the condition keeps deteriorating over a period of time then its value would also decrease accordingly. Apart from that, there are high chances of losing expensive items from your collection if you do not follow an organised process. Good quality coin collecting supplies not only protect your collection from external elements such as dust and moisture but also help you in a big way to organise your collection based on different characteristics such as country name, emperor name, time period etc. By following a systematic approach from the beginning, you will be able to sort and catalogue your priced possession effortlessly. It also helps you tremendously when you are trying to build a unique set and research in a specific direction.

Understand the Types:

Different types of Coin collecting accessories are available in the market and each one is associated with a unique functionality. Experienced collectors and researchers choose their accessories carefully depending on their requirements. Coin albums are the most popular accessories that are used by numismatists all over the world. They contain multiple coin pages with plastic slots in varying sizes to place their valued collectibles. Coin capsules are generally used to store more precious items individually as they are made of hard plastic. Coin holders, on the other hand, are produced using hard cardboard and plastic. Some of them even have provisions to note down specifications such as Name of Emperor, Year of Issue, Mint Name, denomination etc. They ensure that your valuable collectibles don't move from their position when placed inside albums. This eliminates the chances of abrasions and unwanted marks. Coin storage boxes are mostly used by collectors to safeguard their most expensive items. These boxes are made of wood or plastic and contain a cushion with separate slots to place exquisite and rare pieces.

Many inexperienced and novice collectors don't understand the importance of coin collecting supplies. However, you must realise that if you want to pursue this hobby more seriously then you will have to invest in the right kind of accessories.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Choose Your Postcard Collecting Supplies with Care

After stamps and coins, postcards are probably the most popular collectibles in the world. They depict beautiful pictures of famous destinations, personalities or illustrations that highlight a particular culture. More than a medium to send text messages, they are generally used to convey greetings of the season or memoirs from a distant location. Some collectors like to accumulate postcards that are addressed to them while others simply pick up interesting samples when they are travelling around the world. Passionate collectors understand the importance of investing in the right kind of postcard collecting supplies so that they can take care of their prized possessions. Let’s explore some crucial factors that need to be taken into account while choosing them.

You will easily find different brands that manufacture good quality postcard accessories. However, it is very important to consider the quality before taking a final call. Analysing the type of plastic used to produce a postcard storage album is extremely essential. Sleeves that are made of hard plastic generally have lesser acidic content than the ones which are lighter and more flexible. These postcard plastic pockets retain the freshness and colours of your postcards for a very long time. Low quality accessories may leave behind a residue that makes your valuable collectibles dull. Apart from quality, make sure that you store your albums in a dry location. No matter how good your accessories are, if postcards are exposed to moisture for a long time, they would eventually deteriorate. 

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You must always select postcard collecting supplies depending on your requirements. Check the size before ordering or else they might not completely protect your items. A postcard album is the most commonly used accessory in this hobby. If there isn’t enough space to store new items, then you can buy postcard plastic sleeves separately and add them later to your collection. Remember to classify what you have based on different themes and subjects. This will add value to your collection and make it more visually appealing. Postcard accessories play a vital role in segregating your collectibles from time to time and cataloguing it. Never forcefully insert a postcard in a smaller sleeve or keep a tiny one in a big pouch. There are high chances of accidentally folding your postcards if there are such misfits in terms of size. 

Following the above mentioned best practices will definitely enhance your collection to the next level! Keep exploring new themes and subjects to add a new flavour to your collection. 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Passionate Collectors Always Go for Good Philatelic Supplies

Stamp collection is a hobby that introduces you to a whole new world. Every country issues postage stamps depicting various aspects from history, science and wildlife to famous personalities, events and much more! A lot of effort and time goes into collecting stamps which only passionate collectors would know about. When every stamp which you have in your collection is so special, investing in the right kind of stamp collecting accessories is extremely crucial. You wouldn’t want your collection of stamps to be exposed to moisture and dust. In situations like these, stamps start losing its original charm and freshness. You will be safe only if you have the right kind of philatelic supplies handy.

Image courtesy: Mintage World
There are different brands which offer a wide range of stamp stockbooks, stamp binders, stamp stockpages etc. Compromising on quality of your stamp accessories can prove to be costly in the long run. Being organised is also very essential for any collector of stamps. Categorising stamps based on country and topics will ensure that no stamp is lost due to unwanted reasons. Here is where philatelic supplies help you out to a great extent. Stamp stockbooks, stamp binders, stamp stockpages etc not only help you store your stamps away from any kind of moisture or dust but also keep them well organised. The next time you show your collection to your friends and relatives they will be truly impressed by the way you present your stamps in front of them.

Some stamps are extremely rare to find which makes them even more expensive. There have been several occasions where these rare stamps have been sold in auctions for extremely high bids. Now imagine that you spent several years finding that rare stamp, spent a hell lot of money to buy it and finally end up tearing it unknowingly. To avoid such kind of nightmarish situations, it is always better to invest in the right kind of stamp collection accessories.

So if you have started collecting stamps then don’t forget to hit the nearest store and stock up with the latest kinds of quality philatelic supplies.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Looking For The Ideal Stamp Collecting Supplies? Consider These 4 Points

When you are new to the hobby of stamp collecting, you will get to hear a lot of tips and advice on how you can build an impressive collection. You would also be very curious to experiment a lot in the initial days. Senior collectors will stress on the importance of having the ideal stamp collecting supplies handy, so that you take care of your collection, the right way. After listening to all these opinions, you might get even more confused. To make things simpler for you, we have identified four main aspects which you must consider before choosing the right kind of accessories. Let's explore them in detail one by one.

Understand the Types:

There are different kinds of philatelic supplies you will find in the market. These accessories are basically divided into two - firstly, the ones which are used for studying stamps and secondly, the ones which are used to store them. Accessories such as tongs, magnifying glasses and perforation gauges are used by collectors to study the various important elements of stamps while, products like stamp collecting albums are used to ensure that your stamps don't come in contact with any kind of moisture or dust. You should focus more on the second type of accessories as these are the ones which will help in maintaining the condition of your stamps for a long period of time.

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Know the Functionality:

When you choose stamp collecting accessories, you must also understand their functionalities and uses. For example, you should know how to use tongs or how to categorise your collection in stamp stockbooks. What is the point if you have all these accessories but have no idea how to use them? Good brands present descriptions of their products on their online portals. You can read these descriptions to understand their functionalities. When you learn the positives and negatives of stamp accessories, you will be able to take the right decision while buying.

Inspect the Quality:

You will easily find good Stamp collecting supplies manufactured by local brands. You might get attracted to these products due to their pricing. However, many-a-times, these local products are made from low quality material. When you store your valuable collectibles in stamp stockpages made of cheap plastic, you are taking a big risk as your stamps might get stuck in these stockpages and you might lose them forever. So, make sure that you invest in branded accessories even though you have to shell a few extra bucks.

Reap the Benefits:

Many collectors don't realise the importance of storing their precious stamps in accessories like stamp binders. If you manage to maintain the condition of rare stamps for a long period, you might an opportunity to sell them at a much higher value. However, if you don't use stamp collecting sheets to maintain your collection, their freshness might fade away in the long run. There are high chances that your stamps might get folded or torn if necessary precautions are not taken.

So, the next time you are looking for best stamp collecting supplies , do consider the four important points that have been discussed above! Happy collecting!

Monday, July 22, 2024

Importance of Coin Collecting Accessories in The World of Numismatics

Numismatists, researchers, archaeologists and historians have been working hand-in-hand for several years to discover fascinating aspects about our history. Coins can say a lot about the traditions, cultures, economy, politics and many other factors related to a particular time period. Many of the coins feature designs, inscriptions, name of emperors and year date, which can reveal crucial authentic information about our past. As a collector or numismatist, we should always try our best to safeguard these pieces of history by using quality coin collecting accessories. Today, let's find out what makes these accessories absolutely essential in the field of numismatics.

Value appreciation:

There are several collectors around the world who look at the hobby of coin collecting as an exciting investment opportunity. This is because the value of every coin keeps on appreciating over a period of time. If you buy a unique interesting coin today in good condition, then you can sell the same coin at a much higher value after a few years when the demand for that coin increases. The only criteria is that, the coin's condition shouldn't deteriorate. Affordable coin collecting supplies help collectors maintain the condition of coins for many years. Coin capsules not only protect coins from scratches and unwanted abrasions, but also keep them away from any kind of moisture which could lead to oxidation and lack of lustre.

Rare coins:

The value of rare coins can be very expensive and are mostly sold by renowned auction houses. If you can take care of your valuable jewellery at home, then why shouldn't you store your rare coins in coin storage boxes? These boxes provide an extra protection when compared to other generic accessories.

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Safeguarding heritage:

Always remember that when you own an old coin you own a piece of heritage. It becomes your responsibility as a collector that you use high-quality Coin collecting supplies to protect these priceless objects so that the coming generations can learn about them and stay rooted to their culture and traditions. As we keep accepting new technologies and cultures, we generally tend to forget our own evolution and history. Through numismatics, one stays closer to their real identity.

Better Organisation:

When you store coins without a plan or discipline, you might lose or misplace them. Apart from that, by organising your collection in coin albums, you can access a particular coin from the collection quickly. You can also maintain your albums based on different categories, so that people who are viewing your collection will also get a better idea about the relation between different coins and their significance.

Better Research:

By organising coins in coin pages, you also get a sense of direction as a collector. You will start researching on the types, subtypes and other varieties so that you can complete a particular set. You can also mention basic information about your coin by keeping them safely in coin holders. When you name your coins this way, you will be able to identify them well and will accordingly start looking for specific coins related to a theme or dynasty.

If you are really serious about your hobby, then you will not be able to do without quality coin collecting accessories. These accessories not only help in maintaining the condition of your coins but also help you grow as a collector.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Tips For Collecting Coins of Medieval India

 The more you dive into the depths of Indian history, the more you would be fascinated for sure. The problem with history is that you will find multiple accounts of the same event. That is because historians are sometimes biased about their opinions. Also, in ancient times, the court used to keep an account of various events. They used to glorify facts about their own kingdom, conquests and kings while write with a negative connotation about their rivals. That's the reason why you would find different versions of the same events from our past. Numismatics on the other hand, relies on first hand evidence. You only get what you see. Tracing history with the help of numismatic is a more scientific approach than randomly believing theories put forth by historians. From ancient to medieval times, coins have nee a true reflection of your traditions and cultures. Some of the beautiful medieval period coins from India will take you back to those times. You won't need a time machine to travel back in time. Start studying about coins of medieval India and you might see those great emperors right in front of you! Youngsters in fact would find it more exciting to understand medieval history by analysing medieval coins.

Another important factor for researching about medieval period coins of India is the need for a right source of information. Mintage World is the perfect website where you will find authenticated facts and information about all kinds of medieval coins. They are nicely classified based on various factors like time period, dynasty, type of coins, denomination, emperor name etc. It becomes extremely easy to browse through the website when all the information is so well-categorised. Suppose you have medieval coins struck under the regime of Akbar, then all you have to do is start navigating in the right direction to get all that you need. You will get to view high resolution images of the coins along with detailed obverse and reverse descriptions alongside. What more could you ask for as a researcher or a passionate coin collector.

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You can start by acquiring coins of medieval India which are not that costly. This will build your confidence. Then you can start discussing with other collectors who are also interested in collecting medieval coins. This way you will not only build your network but also increase your knowledge base. With time, you will slowly build a unique and interesting collection of medieval period coins. You will also gradually pick up a speciality and start building a series of coins that fall into a certain category. As the quality of your collection increases, you will start gaining more respect in the field of numismatics. You can then use the power of social media websites to connect with collectors from different parts of the world. You can also start attending webinars and seminars that are related to medieval coins of India. When you discover unknown facts about a certain type of medieval coins, your collection will become more and more exclusive.

Another thing that you must never forget is taking care of your collection like your own child. Invest in the best coin collecting accessories so that they remain in the best possible condition for a long time. This will ensure that the value of your rare medieval coins will never go down.

Lastly, you must not lose hope. Your drive, passion and love for medieval period coins should remain constant. You might get bogged down by discouraging comments from your friends or family members. Nothing should really affect you if you are a passionate numismatist. Those who are not in this field might never understand what it means to hold a piece of history in their own hands.
Here are some tips and tricks you should keep in mind while collecting coins of Medieval India.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Without Banknote Accessories, Notaphily Can be Very Messy!


There is a strange mystery behind antique currency notes that draws collectors towards them. In fact there is a huge community of note lovers all over the world who dedicate a lot of time researching and studying about these issues. Some admire designs while others dig deep into the historical aspects related to these wonderful pieces of history. Notaphily is the name given to the study of currency notes and those who engage in notaphily are called notaphilists. The major concern of every notaphilist is to maintain the condition of their valuable collectibles and they do that by using quality banknote accessories. Let's find out how these accessories do their amazing job.

Protection from external elements:

Currency notes can easily come in contact with unwanted external elements such as dust, moisture etc. Banknote collecting supplies ensure that your notes are safe from these external elements that will gradually degrade their condition. A branded banknote collectors album is manufactured by using good quality hard plastic which offers extra protection. So, when you shell out a bit more, always remember that you will be getting a better product in return. Local products on the other hand are not at all durable and you might have to throw them away very soon!

Slows down degradation process:

Since old currency notes are made of paper, they start degrading very quickly. Banknote collecting supplies keep your valuable collectibles away from bacteria and other such natural substances that can aggravate the decaying process. In fact, it is always better to store the most precious or the rarest items in your collection safely in a banknote storage box. These boxes will not even allow air inside, thus ensuring that the condition of your beauties is maintained for a long period of time.

Image Courtesy: Mintage World
Manages your collection:

As your collection keeps growing, you also need to take steps to manage it well. When you keep your collectibles haphazardly in drawers, random boxes or between pages of a book, there is a high risk of losing them. Come what may... always use banknote sleeves to store them! Apart from that, you can also categorise your collection based on different themes, country name etc if you have the necessary accessories. It is much easier and much more pleasing to browse through a well-categorised collection. Moreover, it becomes easier to maintain and update your catalogue if you store your notes nicely. You will also gain respect in the field of notaphily only if you follow these thumb-rules.

If you are really passionate about this hobby then you should take necessary steps to ensure that your valuable possessions are safe and sound. If you think that you can't bear the burden of this responsibility then you should probably take up another hobby. These historical treasures deserve all the respect and pampering as they are data points using which you can decipher a lot of interesting facts about our glorious past. Apart from that, you will also miss out on a golden opportunity to mint money by collecting money if you don't take proper care of them. So, respect the hobby and use quality banknote accessories always!

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

How Coin Collecting Supplies Can Bring Father And Son Together

However, coin collectors are quite emotional and possess a sense of deep attachment for their collection and that's why they depend on coin collecting supplies to relish and protect them throughout their life.

Passing on wisdom from one generation to another:

The bond between a father and a son is a precious one, and sometimes, all a man expects from his son is to cherish a similar passion. A man is known for his high ambitions and a coin collector has no limits when it comes to collecting antique coins. Therefore, it is very important for a man to embrace fatherhood and train his son to pursue a passion that is filled with thrill, excitement and amusement. Throughout his life, a father depends on best coin collecting accessories and it is his responsibility to pass his passion to his son and introduce him to these protective shields. Initially, the son might find the study of coins a little difficult to grasp but gradually with understanding, he will begin to develop himself and walk in the footsteps of his father.

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Protecting is nurturing:

A father can present a nice gift to his son on his birthday and gift him coin pages to secure his collection. This sweet gesture will definitely melt his heart and he will have a new found respect for his father, who cares for him. Once the son begins to enjoy the exploration of various coins from different countries, the father can guide him to differentiate between a real and a fake coin.

It is solely through numismatic supplies that one can protect coins. And this wisdom must be shared by a father to a son, which is crucial for the well-being of coins. Old antique coins can seriously go through a lot of stress, if they are not taken care of as dust, pollutants and other environmental factors can cause them to wreck. It is therefore, very important to protect coins by buying a coin collection album.

A strong bond is built:

If someone shares a similar passion, the bond between them grows stronger and healthier. So you can imagine if a father and son duo love collecting coins, then the intensity of their bond multiplies. Together, they can team up and stock their coin collection in a coin collection storage. And in the course of time, a father can also guide his son on how by simply browsing through various ecommerce sites, he can find highly protective coin capsules, that are just perfect for coin protection. Hence, it is important for a father to develop a good relationship with his son and then pass on the genes of passion for coins.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

The Importance of Investing in Good Postcard Collecting Supplies

 Each one of us indulges in a hobby that brings joy into our lives. Some like playing a sport while others like reading books or listening to music. Collecting postcards is one such fascinating hobby that not many might have explored. Long before emails or telephones were used as means of communication, people used to write letters and wait for several days for a reply. Many also sent short messages on beautiful postcards. Even though very few send postcards today, there is a decently big community of people out there who like collecting different types of postcards. If you want to take up this hobby then remember to invest in quality postcard collecting supplies to take good care of your collection.

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A Big Value Add:

Postcard accessories not only protect your collection from dust or moisture but also help in keeping your valuable postcards well-organised. There is a wide variety of postcard collecting supplies that you will find online or at stationery stores. A postcard storage album is one of the most commonly used postcard collecting supplies that people prefer buying. A postcard album has several pages and each page contains multiple postcard plastic pockets. They allow you to arrange your postcards in a systematic manner based on themes or messages they convey. If you want to add a new postcard to your collection, you can buy postcard plastic sleeves instead of a complete postcard storage album. You can then keep attaching these postcard plastic pockets separately as and when required.

Following Themes:

If you like travelling and exploring new places, then you can look out for special postcards that represent that destination. Most postcards feature photographs of popular destinations. They could also depict abstract illustrations that represent a particular culture or tradition. By making use of Postcard accessories, you can keep a track of your collection. Apart from that, there are very less chances of misplacing a postcard if you store them safely in a postcard storage album.

Safeguarding a Legacy:

The value of postcards depends a lot on its condition. That's the reason why if you want to sell your postcards later, it is very important to keep them safe from moisture or dust. Postcards that get exposed to dust or moisture get dull over a period of time. Their freshness also dies down. Postcard collecting supplies help in maintaining the condition of your collection for a long period of time. You should collect with such an intention that several generations from now should be able to marvel at your amazing postcards. It is also essential to teach your next generation about the fun of collecting postcards and the importance of storing them in postcard accessories. Unless you do that, there are chances that this hobby might die within few years from now. In that case, they would never be able to experience something as blissful as this hobby.

If you have been thinking to pursue a unique hobby that's different from reading a book or listening to music, then you should definitely consider collecting different types of postcards. Find out the importance of good Postcard Collecting Supplies if you want to indulge yourself in a joyful and exciting hobby of collecting postcards.